Because life shouldn't have to be this hard!

Think of me as your Neurodivergent "doula" but instead of offering support during childbirth, I am here to guide you and your family through the challenges in parenting in a neurotypical world.
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Because you & your family deserve support from a neurodivergent lens!

Are you tired of trying different things suggested by other professionals but then end up having to explain your neurodivergent family's needs to the professionals and they still don't get it AND you still didn't get the help you needed? This is because many strategies out there are geared towards the neurotypical brain but that doesn't work for us. I bet as a result you are feeling like you are barely keeping your head above water. I get it! My name is Gretchen Nelson and I've spent my career as a therapist specializing since 2010 in supporting neurodivergent kids and families. Not only do I get it professionally but personally too. I am neurodivergent (ADHD and Dyslexic) and am raising a highly sensitive child. I know all too well the guilt, shame, trauma, and pressure we as woman and families -who are neurodivergent- carry day to day. And so, it is my hope that the Parent Child Bond can support you during this stage of life so that your neurodivergence doesn't rob you from the life you long for. In addition, I want to provide you with some tools in navigating parenthood through a neurodivergent lens. In doing so, you will feel more energized, connected, and experience greater peace within your household. As a mental health therapist, I primarily come from an EMDR, attachment, holistic and birth psychology lens. I consider myself an intuitive and highly sensitive-empathic clinician who values learning from other disciplines such as: speech, occupational, physical, craniosacral therapy, nutrition, the role of biological factors (sleep, hormones, immune systems and join pain). I can’t wait to meet you on the inside!
Gretchen Nelson
Neurodivergent Families
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